書道教室受講生 <お客様の声>

ありがとうございます✨そしてこんな風に輪が広がっていくなんて、本当に嬉しいことです✨  <C様>
いつも書道で気持ちが落ち着くのと、先生とのお話でかなりプラスな気持ちになれて、感謝です!!  <Y様>
姿勢を正して集中する時間は何とも心地良く、至福の時間です❣️次回も楽しみです。  <M様>

筆を持つと背筋を伸ばすせいか、いまひとつだった体調迄、よくなった気がします。(^-^) <S様>
I can't thank you enough for this wonderful experience. 
Japanese calligraphy is an excellent activity for the body and
 for the mind. 
I had a feeling of deep joy after having shared this moment and 
knowledge with you.
You are very beautiful and very patient and your English is very good. 
All if my friends really enjoyed it and thank you very much 
for taking the time to teach us and listen to us at this evening hour.  <Portugal>
Shoran san, I can't thank you enough for this wonderful experience. 
Japanese calligraphy is an excellent activity for the body and 
for the mind. I had a feeling of deep joy after having shared 
this moment and knowledge with you. You are very beautiful, 
kind and patient and your English is very good. 
All if my friends really enjoyed it and thank you very much for 
taking the time to teach us and listen to us at this evening hour.  <France>
I have always been interested in Japanese calligraphy but 
I though that it was too hard for me. When my friend C ... told me 
about this lesson I was very happy to participate.     <France>
Your explanations helped a lot to understand.
I appreciated the way Shoran sensei helped us to form the basic 
movements required to write correctly. She also told us the 
Japanese terms that applied to each movement so 
we can look for more clues on the internet in our quest to write correctly, and dare I say.... beautifully  <Australia>


忙しくてなかなか予定が立てられない方には最適な方法だと思います。 <F様>

そこも自宅で出来るメリットだと思ってます?  <M様>


無になれる時間が持てて、普段忙しい私にとっては、とても必要な時間です。 <K様>


+++ 登録だけでメッセージなしですと、どのプレゼントか分からないので、ぜひ合言葉をお願いします^^  +++


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